Tips and tricks of a fan
Thanks to Anthony for sharing his story by telling us how faithful he was to the entire range of Arbre Magique Little Trees.
This ARBRE MAGIQUE fan appreciates the most popular perfumes like Vanillarôme but he also likes more personal models such as Relax. His favorite is Movie Star, Little Tree which is no longer available because this model was a limited edition.
""Good evening, User of Little Trees for 4 years, I have tested many classics Trees, but also the most limited ... my favorite choice remains Movie Star. It perfumes all my beautiful german cars ... renewal every 2 weeks, on my 5 vehicles. I will stay a big fan of the Arbre Magique Trees for many years !!! My little trick to perfume my glove boxes and my chests, I leave there 2 or 3 used Little Trees, at each opening it is a pleasure of scents !!! Sincerely"